Labeled Winner of Two Rosie Awards at 50th Annual Alberta Film and Television Awards

Labeled won two Alberta Film and Television Awards on Saturday!! Best Production Reflecting Cultural Diversity and the brilliant Geoff Manchester won for Best Original Musical Score (Documentary).

Justin Kueber Best Docuseries Rosie Awards Edmonton Filmmaker
Cinematographer director edmonton alberta film and television awards documentary


As many of you know, Saturday was National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Receiving the Best Production Reflecting Cultural Diversity Award on this day was an important recognition for the four brave women who shared their truths with the world. Juanita, April Eve, Kathy/Cara King, and Candace (along with the Tuccaro Family), thank you for opening our eyes to the atrocities happening to Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada. I have no doubt that your powerful message will bring awareness to this tragedy and educate people in hopes of a complete cultural shift. Thank you to AMPIA for recognizing this important series and its significant message.

Best Production Reflecting Cultural Diversity Alberta Film Marketing


And Geoff….well, Geoff is the best and we are so lucky to have him part of this series. I am so happy he won because he absolutely deserved it times a million. And, side note, also so grateful he continues saying yes to working with me project after project.

Rosie Award Winner AMPIA Justin Kueber Documentary
Geoff Manchester Musical Score Edmonton

Reflecting on everything, I am extremely proud of our entire team. Sticking with a project for almost 4 years now is a true testament to the hard work and perseverance of everyone involved. Thank you to AMPIA, DOC Alberta, the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, my wonderful cast and crew, fearless interviewees, and everyone else who has supported Labeled along the way. I can finally see the finish line and I am excited to see what the next journey brings!

Rosie Awards 2023 50th Annual Alberta Film and Television

Two New Documentaries Officially Released


Festivals! Festivals! Festivals!